KOLex Student Leadership Council (KSLC)

On October 30th, the recruitment for KOLex’s Student Ambassadors concluded. The ambassadors include six high schoolers, four middle schoolers, and one elementary schooler.

On November 1st, at 8pm, the ambassadors held their first online meeting. In the meeting they voted for the name KOLex Student Leadership Council. At the meeting they also discussed the KSLC Bylaws, making thank you cards for the care baskets, and where each member would deliver their baskets.

10월 30일 금요일 KOLex Student Ambassador 모집을 마감하였습니다. 고등학생 6명, 중학생 4명, 초등학생 1명, 모두 11명이 지원해주었습니다.

그리고 11월 1일 저녁 8시 첫 온라인 회의도 있었습니다. 학생들의 투표로 정식 명칭을 KOLex Student Leadership Council 로 정하였습니다.

이번 회의에서는 KSLC Bylaw 안내, care basket 에 넣을 감사 카드 만들기, 각 학교와 관공서에 care basket 전달하기 등에 대해 논의하였습니다.

Second Executive Committee Meeting

In the second executive committee meeting, the executive committee discussed the auction for care baskets, as well as the packing and distribution of care baskets. They also discussed the recruiting results and bylaws for the new KOLex Student Ambassadors. The formal name of the ambassadors will be announced at a later date.

오늘 2차 임원진 온라인 회의가 있었습니다. 회의에서는 Care Basket를 위한 Auction, Care Basket 포장과 전달 그리고 KOLex Student Ambassador 모집 결과와 회칙에 대해 논의하였습니다. KOLex Student Ambassador의 정식 명칭은 추후에 다시 공지하겠습니다.

Article 8

During our 2020 fall meeting, we announced our support for Article 8. Article 8 is about Systemic Racism Resolution, which was covered in the 2020-2 Special Town Meeting. Article 8 is a call to action for Lexington to make changes that will address racial equality and disparity for all residents in Lexington. 

As representatives of Korean-Americans in Lexington, KOLex is supporting Article 8 with CAAL (Chinese American Association of Lexington), and IAL (Indian Americans of Lexington). 

We would like to announce that the article was unanimously passed on October 19th during the Town Meeting. 

Information about Article 8 is written below. 

Systemic Racism Resolution in the 2020-2

a) consider racial and other equity impacts in all decisions and planning processes in order to work toward dismantling systemic racism and white privilege

b) take action to integrate racial equity tools and concepts into routine operations and policy-making

c) build capacity to collect, interpret and act on data related to inequities, particularly those related to health, housing, education, policing, representation, and economic and environmental justice

d) develop and implement a comprehensive racial equity plan with public input, to include staff training, hiring practices, and public education

지난 가을 정기 모임에서 안내해 드렸던 Article 8은 2020-2 스페셜 타운 미팅에 발의될 조직적 인종 차별에 대한 결의안으로, 렉싱턴에 사는 모든 거주민들을 위해 인종적 평등과 불균형을 다루어 변화를 만들고자 하는 행동에 대한 요청입니다.

KOLex는 렉싱턴 한국인 모임의 대표로서, CAAL(Chinese American Association of Lexington) 그리고 IAL(Indian Americans of Lexington)과 함께 Article 8을 지지하는데 동참해 왔으며, 지난 10월 19일에 있었던 렉싱턴 타운 미팅에서 Article 8이 만장일치로 통과되었음을 알려드립니다.

Article 8에 대한 자세한 내용은 다음과 같습니다.

Systemic Racism Resolution in the 2020-2

a) consider racial and other equity impacts in all decisions and planning processes in order to work toward dismantling systemic racism and white privilege

b) take action to integrate racial equity tools and concepts into routine operations and policy-making

c) build capacity to collect, interpret and act on data related to inequities, particularly those related to health, housing, education, policing, representation, and economic and environmental justice

d) develop and implement a comprehensive racial equity plan with public input, to include staff training, hiring practices, and public education

KOLex Fall Online Meeting

KOLex held an online semi-annual meeting. In the meeting, the events after the Spring meeting were presented, and plans for the future were discussed.

오늘 가을 온라인 정기 모임이 있었습니다. 지난 반년동안의 활동을 돌아보고, 앞으로의 계획을 말씀 드렸으며, 회원 여러분들의 좋은 의견도 받았습니다. 참석해 주신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다.

Executive Committee Meeting

The executive committee of KOLex held an online Zoom meeting for the KOLex semi-annual meeting. In the meeting the committee discussed what they could do for the community amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as what events they would be able to hold in the future.

2020-2021 가을 정기 모임을 위한 임원진 온라인 회의가 있었습니다. 이 회의에서 코비드-19 팬데믹인 상황에서 KOLex가 커뮤니티를 위해 할 수 있는 역할과 앞으로 참여 가능한 이벤트에 관해 논의하였습니다.