The Korean-American Organization of Lexington is a nonprofit tax exempt corporation that strives to provide Lexington, Massachusetts residents of Korean descent a supportive community and share the Korean-American culture with the Lexington community. KOLex participates in town events, represents Korean perspectives in multicultural exchanges, and supports town and educational initiatives for the enrichment of all participants.
The Korean-American Organization of Lexington, KOLex는 매사추세츠주 렉싱턴에 거주하는 한국계 주민들을 돕고 렉싱턴 커뮤니티와 한국의 문화를 공유하기 위해 노력하는 비과세 비영리재단입니다. 코렉스는 타운 행사에 참여하고, 다문화 교류에서 한국의 관점을 대변하며, 타운 및 교육에 관한 계획 수립 시에 모든 코렉스 회원을 위한 입장을 지지합니다.
Current Executive Committee
President: Sylvia Han
Vice President: Francesca Park (박영신)
Treasurer: Sun-Young Park (박선영)
Secretary: Sunny Kim (김영선)
Adviser: Julia Chandler
Current KOLex Student Leadership Council (KSLC)
John Kim (김예랑)
Erica Lee (이연송)
Rayan Kim (김도현)
Joshua Chung (정동준)
Jason Youn (윤여준)
Scott Kim (김승우)
Christoper Chung (정동현)
Jooa Lee (이주아)
Jongmin Kim (김종민)
Philip Chung (정필립)
Diane Chung (정다인)
Kevin Lee (이현종)
Jiwon Kim (김지원)
Matthew Jian Yi
Hannah Jang (장혜나)
Minsung Park (박민성)
Brandon Park
Hyewon Suh (서혜원)
Jeongwon Suh (서정원)
Jason Hwang (황희태)
Nana Lee (이나나)
Thomas Lee (이나로)
Jayla Eun Cho (조은)
Sally Choi (최서경)
Sophia Choi (최은경)
Christina Caro
Philip Yim (임필립)
Christopher Yoo (유태환)
Hannah Sul (설한나)
Ian Chung (정이안)
Past Executive Committees
President: Bokyung Shin (신보경)
Treasurer: Boksoon Jo (조복순)
Secretary: Euna Kim (김은아)
Intern: Sunny Kim (김영선)
Vice President: Songyi Kim (김송이)
Secretary: KwiYoung Choi (최귀영)
Treasurer: Sandy Han (한성경)
Presidents: Susie Lee-Snell & April Daciuk (강민영)
Past KOLex Student Leadership Council (KSLC)
John Kim (김예랑)
Thomas Lee (이나로)
Nana Lee (이나나)
Sally Choi (최서경)
Christopher Chung (정동현)
Joshua Chung (정동준)
Gabriel Lee (이가브리엘)
Jongmin Michael Kim (김종민)
Erica Lee (이연송)
Erin Jang (장예린)
Eliot Cho (조창희)
Jason Hwang (황희태)
Juhyeong Lee (이주형)
Jeongwon Suh (서정원)
Hyewon Suh (서혜원)
Kevin Lee (이현종)
Eric Kim (김민태)
Jooa Lee (이주아)
Sarang Kim (김사랑)
Hunter Snell
Doyun kim (김도윤)
Sophia Choi (최은경)
Sean Ko (고석현)
Christopher Yoo (유태환)
Gabriel Lee
Nana Lee (이나나)
Christopher Chung (정동현)
Faith Choi (최예진)
Erica Cho (조다연)
Lucas Lee (이주형)
Sally Choi (최서경)
Joshua Chung (정동준)
Jongmin Kim (김종민)
Eliot Cho (조창희)
Sophia Choi (최은경)