Tonight, the “My American Story” webinar was held.
The event was presented by CALex (Chinese Americans of Lexington) and was cosponsored in part by KOLex. There were seven panelists who shared their stories as Asian Americans. Susie Lee-Snell, co-founder and former president of KOLex gave a speech and talked about KOLex’s origins, KOLex’s role, and her own experience as an Asian American. We thank Susie Lee-Snell who attended as a panelist.
오늘 저녁 “My American Story” Webinar 있었습니다.
CALex(Chinese Americans of Lexington)가 주최하고 KOLex등 8개 단체가 후원하는 이 행사에는 각 단체에서 7명의 패널이 참석하여 Asian American으로서 겪은 경험을 공유하였습니다. KOLex에서는 Co-founder이자 전 회장이신 Susie Lee-Snell님이 대표로 참석하여 KOLex를 만든 이유와 역할 그리고 본인의 감동적인 스토리를 공유해 주셨습니다. 참석해 주신 Susie Lee-Snell님께 다시 한번 감사드립니다.