Packing Care baskets

The executive members as well as the parents of the KSLC(KOLex Student Leadership Council) packed care baskets to distribute to the Lexington community. They included handmade thank you cards made by the KSLC, Korean snacks, masks, sanitizer, among other things.
We appreciate the KSLC members and the members who participated in packing the care baskets.

KOLex 임원들과 KSLC(KOLex Student Leadership Council)학생들의 어머님들이 모여서 각 학교와 관공서에 전달할 Care Basket을 포장하였습니다. Care basket안에는 KSLC 학생들이 직접 만든 감사 카드와 한국 스낵, 마스크, Sanitizer등을 넣었습니다.
감사 카드를 만든 KSLC 학생들과 포장에 참석해주신 분들께 감사드립니다.